Sunday, February 24, 2013

Marriage at City Hall NYC 1895

DayGENE Believer

November 1895 my g grandparents Raffaele Gelso and Carmella Chiafullo were married at the Justice of the Peace in NYC.  She was not with child because the dates of her first born don't add up.  Unless of course she miscarried or the child died young.  I only add that because 25 years later they were married by the Church formally.  My puzzle is the names of the parents.  WHY would Raffaele's parents not have the last name Gelso?  WHY does Carmella's parents have the last name of Fasano too?  It's supposed to be Chiafullo?  I have seen mistakes in documents before but this baffles my mind that So many errors were present.  Her sister, the Very mysterious Francesca Strollo, was a witness and this is the very last clue we have of her.  No one has ever met her and I have many cousins out there that no nothing about our family and visa versa.  She was disowned by the family for some reason and this signature is the only proof I have she existed. The brick walls continue...

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